Thursday, November 18, 2004

Hapless Holidays

Last week went for camp and I got promoted (finally!) to corporal, so that's a positive. Been having math and physics tuition, so I guess that was productive, and went for lunch at Tony Roma's yesterday with my cousins and grandparents, so that's fulfulling (for the stomach). Besides that, I think I've wasted away my holidays so far. I even had time to change the blog template and win medals at Generals, how dumb is that. I haven't left the house for any other reason than tuition, which is once, as my math tutor comes to the house to teach. Anyway, can't wait to go on holiday, youth camp and the mission trip are also eagerly(maybe that's too strong a word) anticipated as they're good ways to spend my hols instead of playing MORE seasons of cm and more pointless games of Generals. I have also been trying to do my NYAA Silver logging but don't know how, so if someone does know, could you please tell me? Oh, and to all the BB people out there, if you happen to drop by here AND can't make the Sharity Gift Box dates, could you come with me, please? I don't wanna go alone and be with people from other schools for 1 or 2 WHOLE DAYS!!!


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