Sunday, November 20, 2005


was the start of a really eventful week. played beach soccer and managed to cause "extensive soft tissue damage" to my left wrist. i'm never playing keeper again. and if that was not enough, i had to do a fair number of tracks for blt's movie BESIDES going for a BB excursion to Bukit Timah and the Botanic Gardens. also got my birthday+christmas present...a new bike! yay. leon came over to help add the frills to the bike, so that it would "look cool". doh.

watched harry potter yesterday. nice movie, but it was too fast!!! i wanted to see the damn quidditch world cup!!!! it was also quite wtf, if u know what i mean. so many corny moments....even voldermort had to say "nooooo!!" ala darth vader who copied yao wen. today i went to pass blt some more songs by cycling to his house....i should've listened to my aching wrist, but oh well, what's done is done. it hurts pretty badly now, dang!

ANYWAY, keane's gone. nooooooo!!!! (arghs, just copied voldermort, who copied darth vader, who copied yao wen). we need duscher, not ballack folks. ballacks a freakin' ATTACKING midfielder. i can't believe the number of dufus's following the newspapers and saying he should replace keane. he replaces SCHOLES, not keane, dammit. i believe that the only way to solve this problem of knowing ballack's position would be to play championship (alright, its now football) manager. only in that way will the bloody blind press realise that ballack's AM, not DM, for goodness sake. actually, the game states that he is CM, as in central mid, so that only confuses the matter more. doh.


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