2 idiots and a funny chem teacher
Today was a pretty good day considering that it is Tuesday. Tuesday and Wednesday are by far the worst and longest days of the week. Chemistry was fun today, half the class got chased out under comic circumstances and Carol Low was really funny while complaining about the duster, our behaviour, etc. She reminds me of a young Toh Siew Tee, or whatever that bio teacher's name is. In the boarding school we used to call her,'toenail'. During biology, Ben Chan and Ken Tay were fooling around while I was trying to act mature nad control them (seriously!). Anyway, IHS was boring as usual, except for laughing at Ming Wei being woken up 3 times in front of everybody, and a sneaky Chinese lesson (one half of 3.16 obviously hasn't learnt its lesson). After school was chemistry tuition. My horrid tutor said that titus andronicus was an alright amateur production. ITS MORE THAN THAT! Titus is capable of winning the Oscars, or Cannes, or any other fim festival. I still dont know how people can write such long blogs, as I cannot think of anything more to say, so um, bye?
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