Thursday, November 29, 2007


When the school anthem was sung, memories from the past 12 years flashed by.

Playing table tennis with the $2 bats from the bookshop.
Playing freezer and pondan.
Singing the school anthem at the quadrangle with my power rangers school bag in the front.
Playing football for the school.

Singing hymns at chapel.
Singing the school anthem after chapel.
Football at the parade square.
Getting busted by Mr. See for bringing kickapoo out of the SAC.
Playing waterpolo for the school.
BB camps.
BB parades.
BB Bible Study.
Making films with BLT Productions.
Wrecking classes.

I know mother tells me that I will feel the same way about the army when I leave, but I doubt so.

Scratch that. I shouldn't be so negative about the future, because after 12 years I have learnt to live believing that the best is truly yet to be.

And now iTunes shuffling has decided I have to listen to "If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time" by R. Kelly. My mac is wicked.


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