Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hunt For Red October

this shall be the name of the game for drama night games. only problem is that it is in november. dammit.

since the end of the exams, i have told myself i would do many things, but obviously haven't.

fortunately, i am now 17 years of age which means this is THE age in which i will grow to 1.7m, cos last year i was 16 and was 1.6m.

on a side note i have achieved a decent score... 34/42 with an average of about 70, my highest since 2005. this was higher than my expected target of 33, so i am happy. or should be. all the closet muggers in ac hid in the closet and mugged, such that methinks the average ib score is 36/42.

also, monday was 23 october, my birthday! i spent it stoning,finding my perpetually stolen guitar,going to bbhq to talk about sharity gift box,and watching ed tv on hbo. what an exciting day!

in all seriousness, at least i am not hard-pressed to hand anything up. oh wait! ah, now i have cunningly crafted a things-to-do-in-the-holidays list into my blog entry, muahahahaha!

English Assignments
Chinese B Exam
History IA
BB Sharity Gift Box Planning
Drama Camp Night Games Planning
Church Camp



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